How to become a member of BHRA

Art. 4/1 / The BHRA membership is voluntary.

/ 2 / BHRA members are - regular, associate and honorary.

/ 3 / / am. with res. of the General Meeting of 04.10.2002 and of 04.12.2012 / The regular members of the Association can be:

(a) legal persons (all listed in Part Two, Part Two of the Commercial Act and the Non-Profit Societies under the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities), as well as sole traders (ET) under Part Two, Title 1 of the Commercial Code; shelters, accommodation and / or catering establishments and / or attractions that share the objectives of the Association, adopt its Statute and agree to fulfill the obligations set forth therein.

(b) local and foreign hotel chains (legal entities) registered in the Republic of Bulgaria that share the objectives of the Association and adopt its Statute.

(c) regional tourist associations of the hotel and restaurant industry, registered as legal entities under the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act.

/ / / / new, adopted with res. on October 4, 2017, a new one, adopted with a resolution. of the General Meeting of 04.10.2017 / Regular members can be also: natural persons; tourist associations and organizations; local self-government organizations; state and municipal organizations; Bulgarian and foreign unions, representations, unions, associations, professional organizations and others. similar, as well as having similar or serving the business of the members of the Association.

As of the date of adoption of the amendments to paragraph 3 of the Articles of Association, the regular members of the association who do not meet the new requirements of paragraph 3 lose their status of "regular member" and acquire the status of "associate member".

/ 4 / / am. with res. of the General Assembly of 04.10.2017 / Associate members can be:

natural or legal persons having the same or similar business activities as members of the Association, as well as tourist associations and organizations, merchants and organizations related to hotel and restaurant activities; tour operators, consulting companies, producers, banks, advertising agencies, training organizations, local government organizations, state and municipal organizations, Bulgarian and foreign unions, representations, associations, associations, professional organizations etc. who share the objectives of the Association and adopt its Statute.

/ 5 / For honorable members of the Association may be accepted long-standing and prominent actors in the field of hotel, restaurant and related activities.

Art. 5 / am. with res. of the General Meeting of 04.12.2012 / The honorary and associate members of the Association do not have the right to vote in the General Assembly of the Association.

Art. 6 The Management Board approving the members under Art. 4, Art. 3 and para. 4 may ask them for information on the ways and means by which they will contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives and tasks of the Association.

Art. 7 / am. with res. of the General Meeting of 04.12.2012 / The admission of new members to the Association is carried out by the Management Board of the Association on the basis of a written application, which is accompanied by evidence regarding the legal nature of the respective member's appearance. The written refusal may be appealed within one month of receiving it before the General Assembly of the Association.

Art. 8 / am. with res. of the General Meeting of 04.12.2012 / The amount and terms for payment of the annual membership fee shall be determined by the Management Board of the Association.

Art. 9 / am. with res. of the General Meeting of 04.10.2002 / The Management Board approving the members under Art. 4 may ask them for information on the ways and means by which they will contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives and tasks of the Association.

You can download the application forms for here: